Life Group Questions - Sunday, October 22nd
*Discussion Questions:
1. Andrew told a story about going to the grocery store but forgetting to get what he came there for? Can you think of a time where you have done something like that? (The point from this illustration: make the most important thing the most important thing)
2. The question that we started with at the beginning of the sermon was - "What do you understand the mission of the church to be?" How would you answer that?
3. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What is the final command given by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew? How can we make this our first priority?
4. Do you agree that Jesus' final command should be our first priority? Has the church made disciple making its first priority? How can we improve at this both personally and as a church? What would happen to the church if the mission was clearly focused on making disciples?
5. How can we make sure that we make the most important thing the most important thing?
**Trunk or Treat is on Sunday, Oct 29th in the back parking lot from 5:00PM-6:30PM. We'd love to have as many trunks decorated to hand out candy as possible. Trunks should be out there at 4:30PM.
**Cookies with Santa and Mrs. Claus is on Saturday, Nov 11th in the Regency gym from 1:00PM-3:00PM. Free pictures with Santa!
*Discussion Questions:
1. Andrew told a story about going to the grocery store but forgetting to get what he came there for? Can you think of a time where you have done something like that? (The point from this illustration: make the most important thing the most important thing)
2. The question that we started with at the beginning of the sermon was - "What do you understand the mission of the church to be?" How would you answer that?
3. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What is the final command given by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew? How can we make this our first priority?
4. Do you agree that Jesus' final command should be our first priority? Has the church made disciple making its first priority? How can we improve at this both personally and as a church? What would happen to the church if the mission was clearly focused on making disciples?
5. How can we make sure that we make the most important thing the most important thing?
**Trunk or Treat is on Sunday, Oct 29th in the back parking lot from 5:00PM-6:30PM. We'd love to have as many trunks decorated to hand out candy as possible. Trunks should be out there at 4:30PM.
**Cookies with Santa and Mrs. Claus is on Saturday, Nov 11th in the Regency gym from 1:00PM-3:00PM. Free pictures with Santa!